Friday, October 2, 2009

Do overdue fines count on babies?

Hey, everyone.
It's The day after our baby son was due, yet he still isn't here (as i'm sure you've all noticed since i haven't called you up and shouted my joys in the middle of the night). We actually went to our last doctor appointment today, and everything's still the same as always. No progress toward the baby being born yet. Of course anything can happen, but it probably means that the baby will be born next week when the doctors induce him.
We found out at the doctors appointment today the specifics of the induction plans. Basically, unless Tommy comes early, we will be going in on Wednesday to the Hospital around 6pm, and they'll give Jessie some gel that'll start her having contractions or something. Then we go back again at midnight, and they'll give her some stronger gel to speed things along, and then Thursday morning at 6am, they'll start whatever else they need to do to have the little guy enter the world and pay his overdue fines.
So, we're very excited. We're trying to get internet at our place, and our room mates set up phone service through qwest, so we're thinking of doing a bundle package to get internet through them. That's one excuse why we're not keeping so up to date on the blog (although once we get internet, i wonder what will be my new excuse. i need to do better at this). We'll hopefully get some internet soon, so i can post tons of pictures of our baby boy so all of you can see him.
Right now Jessie and I are at BYU, she's doing independent study classes, trying to get ahead, while i'm just sitting at the computer next to her catching up on email, blog, comics, and everything else the internet would be good for.
Tonight we're going to one of my misison reunions. I'll probably be one of the oldest people there (next to the President and his wife, of course), but we can never turn down free food, and it's fun to try and teach Jessie spanish amongst other spanish speakers. One day i'm going to drag her and the rest of the family down to mexico so she can experience it.
Well, anyway, the main topic of this blog is to let you all know that we HAVEN'T had the baby yet, but he's coming in the next week. I'll let you all know somehow, when it happens.
Love from all of us. Take care.
Rhett, Jessie (and soon little Tommy).

Friday, August 28, 2009

I need to get better at this

Hello, everyone. I really dont update this nearly as often as i should. Jessie is now officially in her 9th month of her pregnancy, so it could happen any day now. We have moved out of our old basement apartment in provo and moved into our basement apartment in Springville!!!
Actually, we love the new place. It's Sarah Smith's (Emily's Mom) place. We love it a ton. We have done a lot of work on the place, and it's been a lot of fun. We moved in almost 2 weeks ago, and we dont have internet, so i'm going to use that as an excuse why i haven't been posting. At least that justifies the last 2 weeks, right?
So, like i said, we're in the basement of Sarah's duplex she's renting out. Our friends Ashley and Javier are living in the upstairs rooms, and we have kind of a communal living room and kitchen, so we're together when we want, and we can go our own ways when we want.
Jessie has done a lot of cute things in preparation for the baby. Her mom was nice to give us some money to purchase some baby items, and so we got almost all the basics we need. I guess we're still needing to get some more clothes (the kid needs socks, i guess he only has 2 pairs so far). We're worried about him getting cold in the winter, so we'll definitely be looking into the winter wear for the little guy. We dont have any bottles, pacifiers, and any of the other little things i guess kids need. I'm also trying to save up some money to get him a little baby swing or bouncer for him, so we can put him somewhere when we're not holding him (if that ever happens with newborns. They're just so cute, after all).
Jessie is going to be super busy this next couple months. She's starting her last semester of school, and she's also going to be having the baby. I don't envy her. We've figured out her school schedule, and adjusted my work schedule around it, so i can be with the baby while she's in class. That's exciting, because then i can use that time to educate the little guy on the essentials of life (Simpsons, Star Wars, Spiderman, Transformers, Kool-Aid, etc). Its not like Jessie wont let me educate the kid on those things, but i'm pretty sure that's some of the things i'll be watching or doing while watching the kid. Maybe I'll teach him how to drive the car. . .
So, like i said, sorry that i haven't posted in a long time. I'm surprised that people still read this. I'll try to be better, and even start including some pictures in the very near future. As for right now, i'm at work, so i dont have much time to do anything like that. Love you all. Take care. Keep in touch, even if we dont post too often.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Forever since our last posting

Hello everyone.
It's been forever and forever and a day since we last blogged. Sorry it's been forever. It's kinda hard to keep up on all this. But we're trying. Jessie is now in her 7th month of pregnancy. We're having a Boy (if you haven't heard already). We're thinking we're gonna name him Thomas Jacob Infanger, although if we're inspired for another name we'll definitely go with that. But for right now, we like that name. We've been calling him Tommy boy a lot lately. Jessie's Pregnancy has been going pretty well so far. We're glad it has been, because she's been super busy going to school this summer, and taking care of me, so i'm glad the pregnancy hasn't been too hard on her. The kid is due on October 1st, and I've been pretty certain it'll come early. We've been joking that the kid will actually come on Labor day and give the holiday a whole nother meaning.
We're coming to a close in our current apartment. We're planning on moving to Springville to stay in Emily's Mom's duplex. We've done some work on the place to prove we're worth renting to. We've painted and patched holes and cleaned up a lot from the previous tenants (that's a whole nother story that i wont get into). We're excited to go stay there. We just hope it works out for us.
I know it's been forever since the last blog, and i'm sorry it hasn't been updated, but there isn't much more to post on here, really. Take care out there. We'll be seeing you all sometime.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I think I look like Shrek

As the title of this blog says, i think my new hair cut makes me look kinda like Shrek. Maybe I'll just paint my self green and go as him for Halloween. We'll see.
Well, it's been another couple weeks since we've last posted a blog, and quite a few things have happened in these past few weeks. First of all, we had conference, which was amazing. We went to the Saturday Morning session, and we had great seats! We were on the ground floor of the conference center, toward the middle, on the right side. We could see right when the Prophet and the Apostles came in. It was so cool. It was my 2nd Conference session to view live, and Jessie's first session to see live, so it was a great experience for us. Although, now that i think about it, I'm sure it'll be a great experience, even if we were able to see every session live.
So, during Conference weekend, I also had my mission reunion at the Wilkinson center. It was nice seeing President & Hermana Whetten again, and i saw a few faces i recognized, but the most of the people that came were missionaries that entered the mission after i already left. it's crazy to think I've been home from my mission already for over 3 years now. But, time flies when you're having fun.
Brett and Cory also came down that weekend for Cory's mission reunion, and they stayed with us. that was lots of fun to see them and spend time with them again. We had lots of fun with them. While we were in Salt Lake for conference, they went to Brett's brother's house to watch conference.
Between Saturday's sessions of conference, we went out to lunch with Jon and Wendy, and i found out that Cameron and Katie were also down here, so we invited them to lunch with us as well. It was a blast seeing them again, and their little boy Tebbin, who's such a happy baby. I hope we have a baby as relaxed and happy as that kid. We ate at Chuck-A-Rama, then on the trip back to Provo, we listened to the Saturday afternoon session of conference on the radio.
Saturday evening, Cory and Jessie went to the mall, while Brett and I joined his brother Sam at Priesthood session. Afterward, we all got together and went out to eat again (I pigged out that weekend). Then we rented "The Village" and went to bed freaked out after that (I never saw that movie before. i liked it).
Sunday, Brett and Cory left home and Jessie and I watched Conference on the Internet. Between sessions, my old mission companion Chris Bergevin called me and invited us to dinner after the afternoon session, so once again, we went and we ate. We got to meet his Fiance' Lindsie (I hope i spelled that right) and had a good time visiting them. By the end of that visit, we were pretty tired, and drove home and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. Quite the weekend.
Then, this week, it's been pretty much the same. Jessie and I have both been needing haircuts, but i remembered that i have my clippers, so i decided to cut my hair myself. Jessie saw me shaving it, and said i should shave it all off, but grow my beard back, and then when i have that, put my leather jacket on, and I'll look like a regular biker. I figured that i might as well, considering how warm it's been getting lately, i might appreciate things a bit cooler w/o hair. So, I shaved it off, and now i look like Shrek.
Now, besides all the happenings around conference weekend, I bet you're all wondering how Jessie's doing with her pregnancy. Well, we started the 2nd trimester, and our baby is getting bigger. as of recently, its supposed to be the size of my clenched fist, and weigh approx. 2-3 oz. He can move around, but he's not big enough to start having Jessie notice him moving around inside (That wont be for about another month, more or less). Jessie says her tummy is getting a bit bigger, but she still doesn't know if it's due to the baby, or all the food we've been eating (read conference weekend again, if you don't know what I'm talking about). I say it's the baby tummy growing, if at all, because we've been told it'll start growing a bit more noticeable around this time in the pregnancy. So, we're excited about that.
Work's been treating me good. APX starts the summer program here in a week or two, depending on those who want to get a head start or have to wait til school's done. A lot of my co-workers are leaving to work for the summer, so more responsibility has been piled onto my shoulders. It's been fun doing things that the supervisors have to do, and having people come to me for questions because i know better than others do. it makes my head inflate big with pride (another reason why i think i look like Shrek, his head is HUGE). But, once the summer starts, we're hoping that there'll be need for overtime, and i can get a few more hours each week. $$$$$ for us!!!!
Jessie's currently at the sewing lab finishing up her final project, which is a very cute dress for a little girl. We want to give it to our niece Elizabeth as a late birthday/baptism present. So, while Jessie's there, I'm at home doing laundry and writing this blog. We Love you all. Hope all is well. Feel free to keep in touch.
Rhett and Jessie Infanger

Thursday, March 26, 2009

At least i don't have to put on pants!

Well, it's been another. . . amount of time since we've last posted a blog. Things here are going well. Jessie was a little sick over the weekend, and we were worried it might be affecting the baby. So, we had another visit to the doctor to make sure things were alright. Appears things are going alright, but when they confirmed it, they let us listen to the baby's heartbeat again. this time was much easier to hear than the first time. Jessie said she didn't think it was gas this time. Turns out the problem was our water tastes bad, or something. Those of you in Provo, you'd understand (it's nasty stuff). We bought a water filter so Jessie could drink more healthy water & about a day later, she already was feeling better.
We're living life as best we can. We're excited for the beginning of April to come along, because within that first week, we'll get our paycheck, should be getting our tax return, have a mission reunion, Brett and Cory will be by to visit (which is always a blast), and go to Saturday Morning's session of General Conference!!! We lucked out and got 2 tickets, down on the ground floor, in the back left corner facing away from the pulpit. See if you can see us singing the rest hymn on TV or something. Anyway, we're super excited about that. And, hopefully, we'll also get to see one of my old mission companions Chris Bergevin and his new fiancee! That should be fun, too.
Rhett's been having extended training at APX this past week, and he's been having lots of fun despite the extra 2 hours he's been working each day. They've been buying lunch each day and it's been in the APX training warehouse in Utah, where they have Rock Band on X-Box, ping pong tables, Foosball, and all the cans of pop you can drink. Plus, it's been fun learning more about all the equipment and finally understanding WHY you have to do things one way or another, and ways you can customize the alarm systems to do things like turn on your lights or open your garage door. The trainer came in from Arizona, he's from Honeywell. He's a really cool guy, and it's been lots of fun. Almost reminds me of when i first trained for being a tech with Jon and Brett, and we'd learn lots, but spend just about as much time playing pool or something. Aw, memories.
Jessie's finishing up one of her projects in Clothing Construction. She's making me a Sunday shirt, and its looking good. I'm excited to wear it. Jessie wants to burn it when it's done, because it's been quite a frustrating project for her, but i think it's turning out really good. I think it's awesome the things she can do.
Um, what else. . . We made Infanger Nachos for dinner 2 nights ago, and we're just now finishing them off today. Good eating there.
In a few weeks, school will be finishing it's winter semester and going into spring/summer terms. That means different classes for Jessie, and more work hours for me when the summer program starts up. More money!!!
Today started the 2ND trimester for Jessie. We need to take a picture of her so we can compare the growth she's gonna start having very fast (so we're told). I think Jessie's gonna keep looking beautiful, no matter what she thinks when she's concerned about her appearance during the pregnancy. She's a perma-cutie, i think.
Oxygen needs Chuck Norris to live.
later y'all. Keep in touch, if you can. Thanks for your prayers and support. We love and miss you all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's been a little while since i last blogged. Sorry. Things have been a bit hectic lately. I've been trying hard to catch up on work that i missed when i was sick, and now things are kinda slowing back down to where i can claim it's a steady schedule.
So, we've been living our lives. Jessie has been studying hard at school, having a new test basically every week. I've been working, just as usual. Some days work is dragging, and some days it's zoomed by fast. I guess that's how life is sometimes.
It's surprising, but Jessie's now on her 11th week, and the morning sickness has finally started. I feel sorry for her, because she's having tough time with food and such, and I love food a lot. Its hard to eat when she's feeling sick.
Today she missed some classes because of sickness. She told me ginger ale and crackers might help her feel better, so i got her a variety of crackers and some ginger ale. Hopefully it helps her.
Well, in about a week and a half we get to hear the baby's heart beat! We're excited.
Today's a short blog, but we haven't forgotten about our blogging. when we have a bit more to say, we'll get online and update this thing. Take care, everyone. We love you all.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sick days aren't fun

Hello, again.
Well, Last Wednesday, Jessie had her 1st doctor appointment. They poked her with needles and asked bunches of questions, and verified that she absolutely is pregnant. Now, Jessie's beginning to believe it, because she's super tired all the time now, and there's no real other explanation why she'd be so tired all the time. So we're excited to have a doctor say she's pregnant now.
We also have had a chance to come home for the weekend, but other than a trip to the Rexburg temple (which was awesome), we've been keeping it kinda quiet and indoors because we're both exhausted and sick. Jessie, because of her pregnancy, and me because of a head & chest cold that's made me feel like crap. We spent most of the time in watching movies (i finally saw Gone With the Wind for the first time in my life. . . crazy since my name came from that movie). Jessie's been such a sweetheart this whole time taking care of me and I've been trying to take good care of her, too. She deserves it, after everything she does for me.
We're baby excited. We've commonly been checking out the funny baby videos on YouTube. We laugh a lot with the baby laughs on that site. it's cute seeing Jessie smile and laugh and get so excited about having our own cute baby. I get most excited when I'm watching the little kids jumping off furniture and stuff onto cushions or other fun childhood activities that i remember doing when i was little (If i ever was little).
Although we've had a couple sick days, we're still happy and enjoying ourselves and enjoying life. Hope You're all well.
Lots of Love,
Rhett and Jessica Infanger (and little baby)